THE BASICS: When you purchase or subscribe to Journey24EverFit as part of the buying and selling process, we collect the personal information you give us such as your name, email address and credit card information. All information is secured and not sold or shared beyond this platform. Please know Journey24EverFit can not access any of your financial information and all monetary transactions are managed via the third party platform-Stripe. Your email address will be used for communications regarding class schedules, upcoming events, links for class recordings and any marketing information you have permitted upon establishing your account and subscription.

CONSENT: When you provide Journey24everfit with your email address via the website or social media platforms your email address is provided in that circumstance. Credit card information required when setting up an account to access both fee based and non fee based transactions. Please note the website platform Arketa is unable to access any of your financial information. As with the aforementioned paragraph, all financial information is secured through Stripe. In addition, Journey24Everfit’s back end access is limited to last four digits of the credit on file and expiration date.

Journey24EverFit implies that you consent to the collection of  the information provided in order to use it for the  specific reason of establishing an account, subscription, completing a transaction and/or receiving marketing materials.

THIRD PARTY ACCESS: In general, the third-party providers used by Journey24EverFit will only collect, use and disclose your information to the extent necessary to allow them to perform the services they provide to us.  However, certain third-party service providers, such as payment gateways and other payment transaction processors, have their own privacy policies in respect to the information we are required to provide to them for your purchase-related transactions. At this time Journey24EverFit has limited its third party relations to Arketa (website) and Stripe (payment).